Speakers at the breakfasts have included leaders such as Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione, Governor General David Hurley, Vice-Chancellor of Sydney University Michael Spence, the then Reserve Bank governor Glen Stevens and recently retired NSW Premier Mike Baird. In 2022 NSW Premier Chris Minns, then Leader of the Opposition, led in prayer for Civic and Church leaders. A testament to the importance of the breakfast is that these speakers, in most years, have continued to attend the breakfasts to be a part of this significant annual gathering.
Our guest speaker for 2024 is Dr Andrew Browning AM. Andrew is an Australian trained obstetrician and gynaecologist who has worked extensively in east Africa, particularly with Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia. His desire is to see free maternal healthcare available Africa-wide; most commonly repair, and ideally prevention of fistula and other injuries caused by obstructed labour.
We are delighted to welcome Andrew and look forward to hearing how he seeks to honour Christ in his work, as inspired by Micah 6:8 “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”